3D animation shows the inner-workings of an AR-15 Air Force News 3D animation shows the inner-workings of an AR-15 0
Everything we know Gen. Milley has told the Jan. 6 panel Air Force News Everything we know Gen. Milley has told the Jan. 6 panel 0
Air Mobility Command to give pregnant airmen more privacy under new... Air Force News Air Mobility Command to give pregnant airmen more privacy under new... 0
The National Guard has a new weapon in the fight for COVID vaccination Air Force News The National Guard has a new weapon in the fight for COVID vaccination ABOARD A C-40 MILITARY TRANSPORT JET—The National Guard is shipping doses of Novavax’s newly approved COVID-19 vaccine out to units in hopes it... 0
Pentagon reviewing how DC Guard is called up for duty Air Force News Pentagon reviewing how DC Guard is called up for duty ABOARD A C-40 MILITARY TRANSPORT JET—The Pentagon is considering changing the way the D.C. National Guard is activated, following a string of... 0
Iranian charged in plot to murder former National Security Advisor John... Air Force News Iranian charged in plot to murder former National Security Advisor John... A member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is facing charges in what the Justice Department is calling a “murder for hire” plot that... 0
Steven Seagal appears in Ukraine, serving as a Russian spokesperson Air Force News Steven Seagal appears in Ukraine, serving as a Russian spokesperson Early reports from the Russian invasion of Ukraine suggested that President Vladimir Putin’s military had deployed, of all people, actor Steven... 0