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Transportation Account Code Interrogation Query (TACINQ) Transportation Account Code Inquiry - TACs are used and assigned daily all over the world by shippers, Transportation Offices, Ports, and Transportation Component Commands (TCCs), and are essential to the operation of the DTS.

Link to sitewww.transcom.mil/dtr/part-ii/dtr_part_ii_app_m.pdf
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Transportation Account Code Interrogation Query (TACINQ) Transportation Account Code Inquiry - TACs are used and assigned daily all over the world by shippers, Transportation Offices, Ports, and Transportation Component Commands (TCCs), and are essential to the operation of the DTS. DAASC maintains a single depository for updating TAC codes and the dissemination of daily changes. Also provided are various database queries, TAC manual publication generation, and service downloads.

For a current listing of Service TAC Coordinators, use the below link:


AFMC instructions for requesting a TAC:


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