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DLA Disposition Services eDOCS

DLA Disposition Services eDOCS allows the scanning and viewing of turn in documents.

Link to sitebusiness.dla.mil/landing/index.html
Account requiredYes
Link to request accountwww.dla.mil/DispositionServices/DDSR/TurnIn/ETID/
[.mil] required for accessYes
Commercial phone number877-352-2255
Site owner/administratorDLA
Site owner/admin email[email protected]

Electronic Turn In Document (ETID) Creation Instructions

Once the steps for access have been completed, you will have the ability to create turn-in documents in ETID Web.

To begin: navigate to the ETID Website

On the ETID landing page, users can produce document lists of previous ETIDs using search filters, check the status of previous documents, or create new turn-in documents.

To create a turn-in document, click the "New ETID" button on the center of the page.

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