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GSA Advantage

GSA Advantage! is the Federal Government's premier online shopping site. With millions of products and services, GSA Advantage! provides a one stop shopping source to meet all your procurement needs.

Link to sitewww.gsaadvantage.gov/advantage/main/start_page.do
Account requiredYes
[.mil] required for accessNo
Commercial phone numberhttps://www.gsaadvantage.gov/advantage/main/start_page.do

GSA Advantage! is the Federal Government's premier online shopping site. With millions of products and services, GSA Advantage! provides a one stop shopping source to meet all your procurement needs.

To obtain status for an individual or a list of documents, please send an email to '[email protected]' and we will provide status of each requisition.

GSA Global Supply strives to provide  accurate and timely delivery of your supplies, and you can help make that happen. When you place an order, use the “Mark-For”  field in your requisitioning system to include key information (e.g. phone number of buyer).  

How does this help?

  • GSA may need to clarify the buyer’s requirements (i.e., delivery instructions, brand name justification, etc.). 
  • Delivery carriers often need customer validation to gain access to a base.
  • Centralized receiving functions often need buyer info to route deliveries to end user.
  • Most orders transmitted via DLMS to GSA contain no individual contact information, so adding it helps avoid unnecessary delays and removes delivery obstacles.

Many GSA Global Supply orders that might be delayed or even cancelled can be completed quickly and easily if there is a simple way to contact the customer. For the short term, please use “Mark For” to enter a relevant phone number to help us deliver faster whether you’re in the lower 48 States or located overseas.


Online customers can use dedicated fields for “Recipient Info” during checkout on either the GSA Global Supply or GSA Advantage websites.

In the future, GSA’s order processing platform will be upgraded to accept contact information on a DLMS requisition that exceeds 24 characters as defined in the DoD memo ADC 1321. We’ll then want to work with you to confirm the name, phone number and email address provided.   

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