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Motor Vehicle Recall Database NHTSA

Motor Vehicle Recall Database

Link to sitewww.nhtsa.gov/
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NHTSA offers more safety information based on a vehicle's year, make and model. Check safety ratings, recommended technologies and other safety issues. Every vehicle has a unique VIN. Enter a VIN to learn if a specific vehicle needs to be repaired as part of a recall.

What this VIN search tool will not show

  • A vehicle with a repaired safety recall. If your vehicle has no unrepaired recalls, you will see the message: "0 Unrepaired recalls associated with this VIN"
  • Manufacturer customer service or other nonsafety recall campaign
  • International vehicles
  • There may be a delay with very recently announced safety recalls for which not all VINs have been identified. VINs are added continuously so please check regularly.
  • Safety recalls that are more than 15 years old (except where a manufacturer offers more coverage)
  • Safety recalls conducted by small vehicle manufacturers, including some ultra-luxury brands and specialty applications
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