Dove Bid Surplus Sales GoIndustry DoveBid (Go-Dove), a Liquidity Services marketplace, provides professional buyers with access to an unparalleled variety and volume of surplus business assets from Liquidity Services' 13223 Article rating: 2.0
DPAS Table of Allowance All commands under NECC are required to add items over 5K that are not part of the regular Table of Allowance, to this inventory program. 10658 Article rating: 3.5
DPAS Tech Support The Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)is a Department of Defense (DoD) property management system. It is the Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) for over 20 DoD Agencies and Military Services. DPAS contains three modules, Property Accountability, Supply Store and Maintenance & Utilization. 19084 Article rating: 5.0
Drug Digest DrugDigest is a noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer health and drug information site dedicated to empowering consumers to make informed choices about drugs and treatment options. 12027 Article rating: 5.0
DSN Directory The DSN Telephone Directory is provided solely as an aid to finding individual DSN site numbers; it is not a complete directory like a local phone book, nor are there plans to develop such a comprehensive resource. 47369 Article rating: 4.6
DTS Per Diem Rates Query DoD Per Diem Rates, includes international rates. 13281 Article rating: No rating
EDA DoD Contract Status Electronic Document Access (EDA)is an online system designed to provide acquisition related information for use by all of the Department of Defense. 13157 Article rating: No rating
Electronic Transportation Acquisition ETA Use when tracking shipments over sea and over land. Self help is located at 21036 Article rating: 4.5
FAAST FAAST (Force And Asset Search Tool) provides near "Real Time" Asset Visibility, can be used from anywhere an Internet connection is available, provides capability to filter and view data by designated Task Force and/or specific operation, and is capable of supporting Joint Operations. 49169 Article rating: 3.8
FACTS FACTS is a DOD automated Air Clearance System. Shippers moving Navy funded freight are required to use FACTS to clear shipments into the Defense Transportation System (DTS). This system provides access to CRIF. To request access, contact Navy311. 35403 Article rating: 5.0
FedBizOpps is the single government point-of-entry (GPE) for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25,000. 12238 Article rating: 5.0