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The IGC program is a partnership between the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). USTRANSCOM's Global Transportation Network (GTN) and DLA's Enterprise Business System are "converged" to provide DOD with an integrated set of networked, end-to-end visibility, deployment, and distribution capabilities. This provides a powerful joint DLA and USTRANSCOM program to track movement of goods and people. IGC users can identify inventory by NSN and location, as well a check status on documents.

Link to sitewww.igc.ustranscom.mil/igc/
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[.mil] required for accessNo
Commercial phone number(618) 220-6432
DSN phone number220-6432
Site owner/administratorUSTRANSCOM
Site owner/admin email[email protected]

The IGC program is a partnership between the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). USTRANSCOM's Global Transportation Network (GTN) and DLA's Enterprise Business System are "converged" to provide Department of Defense (DOD) with an integrated set of networked, end-to-end visibility, deployment, and distribution capabilities. The end goal of IGC is to effectively support the Joint Force Commander's ability to make decisions based on actionable logistics information.  

US TRANSCOM IGC - which stands for IDE/GTN (Integrated Development Environment/Global Transportation Network) Convergence (Joint USTRANSCOM and DLA Program) Database.

The convergence of these two programs creates a single place between DLA and USTRANSCOM for consistent access to common, authoritative data, business standards, and information. Convergence increases logistics information sharing across the DOD, providing improved reliability and responsiveness of data exchange, and enabling enhanced capabilities. Capitalizing on the core competencies of each organization and leveraging existing systems, convergence eliminates redundancy, streamlines access to data, and optimizes resources; enabling faster application development in support of informed and agile decision making.

IGC is synchronized with several other USTRANSCOM /Distribution Process Owner (DPO) Joint Development Initiatives, which injects investment into the converged environment rather than the old GTN infrastructure.

IGC makes it easier and enables the warfighter to make better decisions.

Victor HarmonDeputy Director, DLA Troop Support Customer Operations
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