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DLA Training web site for .mil restricted access.

11992 Article rating: No rating

Dove Bid Surplus Sales

GoIndustry DoveBid (Go-Dove), a Liquidity Services marketplace, provides professional buyers with access to an unparalleled variety and volume of surplus business assets from Liquidity Services'

11880 Article rating: 2.0

APL Tracking

APL provides customers around the world with container transportation services through a network combining high-quality intermodal operations with state-of-the-art information technology.

11836 Article rating: No rating

Joint Contingency and Expeditionary Services JCXS

Joint Contingency and Expeditionary Services (JCXS) is the DoD’s agile, responsive, and global provider of Joint expeditionary acquisition business solutions that fulfill mission-critical requirements while supporting interagency collaboration

11532 Article rating: No rating


FedBizOpps.gov is the single government point-of-entry (GPE) for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25,000.

11429 Article rating: 5.0


The Joint Acquisition Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) Knowledge System (JACKS) is the web based Department of Defense (DoD) knowledge management system for information related to the acquisition and support of CBRN defense products.

11386 Article rating: 3.0

Drug Digest

DrugDigest is a noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer health and drug information site dedicated to empowering consumers to make informed choices about drugs and treatment options.

11115 Article rating: 5.0

Army and Air Force Mutual Aid Association

AAFMAA’s mission is to be the premier provider of insurance, financial and survivor services to the American Armed Forces community.

10888 Article rating: No rating
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