20 year anniversary

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GSA Advantage

GSA Advantage! is the Federal Government's premier online shopping site. With millions of products and services, GSA Advantage! provides a one stop shopping source to meet all your procurement needs.

21908 Article rating: 3.0

DLA Joint Lessons Learned Info System JLLIS

DLA Joint Lessons Learned Info System (JLLIS) functions to support the Director, DLA in the execution of his responsibilities and to help enable continuous process improvement by gathering observations and recommendations and making that data available across the enterprise.

21854 Article rating: 3.5


Allows universal, permission-governed access via web browser and any www-connected computer

21652 Article rating: 4.0


Track shipments by entering shipment number and pressing Track. A search will be directed to the associated company. For post and air cargo the search in addition will be directed based on the shipment number.

21433 Article rating: 4.0

Government Liquidation US GOV'T Surplus

GL operates an innovative and powerful online sales channel that enables surplus buyers to purchase available government assets in a convenient and open environment.

21074 Article rating: 5.0

Automated Housing Referral Network AHRN

The Automated Housing Referral Network (AHRN.com) is the preferred and trusted housing referral resource for the military community around the world designed to assist the military community locate available housing.

20362 Article rating: 5.0

DPAS Tech Support

The Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)is a Department of Defense (DoD) property management system. It is the Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) for over 20 DoD Agencies and Military Services. DPAS contains three modules, Property Accountability, Supply Store and Maintenance & Utilization.

19923 Article rating: 5.0

DoD Ribbon Checker

Click the boxes next to the ribbons you are currently authorized to wear, then press the button below to get a graphical representation of them. This program does not currently take into account ribbon devices, including combat V's and stars for multiple awards.

18096 Article rating: 4.3

Transportation Control & Movement Document TCMD

Transportation Account Code Interrogation Query (TACINQ) Transportation Account Code Inquiry - TACs are used and assigned daily all over the world by shippers, Transportation Offices, Ports, and Transportation Component Commands (TCCs), and are essential to the operation of the DTS.

17981 Article rating: 4.7
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