20 year anniversary

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Army Property

Good Property Accountability Saves Soldiers' Lives. Our system was invented in Iraq in 2005, and it lets small units easily manage and delegate combat equipment at the squad / detachment, platoon, or higher levels, if PBUSE or other tools are not available or sufficient.

13889 Article rating: 4.1

EDA DoD Contract Status

Electronic Document Access (EDA)is an online system designed to provide acquisition related information for use by all of the Department of Defense.

13641 Article rating: No rating

GSA Global Supply

Welcome to the new GSA Global Supply ordering site! GSA Global Supply is your one-stop source for all your military and agency support needs, from new Tools and Fire Fighting equipment to Office Supplies. When you order through us, you are assured of regulatory compliance, one bill and global delivery from a reliable government source.

13636 Article rating: No rating

Naval Medical Logistics Command

Naval Medical Logistics Command provides and coordinate medical and dental materiel management and logistical support to DoD.

13620 Article rating: 5.0


Provides global search for vendor support of the Industrial Base Extension Program - IBEX. Previously embedded in the SPIDERS software.

13617 Article rating: 2.0

Navy WSS Inventory at-Risk Stock Alert Tool (IRAS)

The Inventory at-Risk Alert (IRAS) tool began when N61 (Operations Research & Analysis) was tasked to develop an application for Planners that would highlight NIINs that, for a variety of reasons, needed attention.

13444 Article rating: 1.7

LogTool Logistics Codes

Download the below spreadsheet to easily search for MILSTRIP logistics codes.

13425 Article rating: 4.5

APL Tracking

APL provides customers around the world with container transportation services through a network combining high-quality intermodal operations with state-of-the-art information technology.

13399 Article rating: No rating

The Motor Pool

The information in this site is provided by experts that have experienced ways to improve maintenance procedures to sustain today's Army equipment.

13316 Article rating: 4.5
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