DLA Training web site for .mil restricted access.
APL provides customers around the world with container transportation services through a network combining high-quality intermodal operations with state-of-the-art information technology.
Readiness and Cost Reporting Program (RCRP) for reporting unit authorized table of allowance. Registration and a valid CAC are required.
DLA Disposition Services eDOCS allows the scanning and viewing of turn in documents.
Defense Commissaries
GIDEP (Government-Industry Data Exchange Program) is a cooperative activity between government and industry participants seeking to reduce or eliminate expenditures of resources by sharing technical information essential during research, design, development
Joint Contingency and Expeditionary Services (JCXS) is the DoD’s agile, responsive, and global provider of Joint expeditionary acquisition business solutions that fulfill mission-critical requirements while supporting interagency collaboration
Welcome to the new GSA Global Supply ordering site! GSA Global Supply is your one-stop source for all your military and agency support needs, from new Tools and Fire Fighting equipment to Office Supplies. When you order through us, you are assured of regulatory compliance, one bill and global delivery from a reliable government source.