20 year anniversary

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US Army Public Health Command USAPHC

Mission: Promote health and prevent disease, injury, and disability of Soldiers and military retirees, their Families, and DA civilian employees; and assure effective execution of full spectrum veterinary service for Army and DoD Veterinary missions.

10018 Article rating: No rating

US Military Rank Insignia

Do not confuse rank with pay grades, such as E-1, W-2 and O-5. Pay grades are administrative classifications used primarily to standardize compensation across the military services. The "E" in E-1 stands for "enlisted" while the "1" indicates the pay grade for that position. The other pay categories are "W" for warrant officers and "O" for commissioned officers. Some enlisted pay grades have two ranks.

9775 Article rating: No rating



8858 Article rating: No rating

USA Jobs

USA Jobs for Government job searches.

8578 Article rating: No rating


Easy to use tool that enables users to Search, Request, Change, Delete, or Validate DoDAACs.

166198 Article rating: 3.9

USCG Aircraft Repair and Supply Center ARSC

"We Keep 'em Flying" by providing the Right Stuff, at the Right Place, at the Right Time, at the Right Cost ...EVERY TIME !" "We provide Air Stations with depot level maintenance, engineering, supply and information services to support Coast Guard missions."

8744 Article rating: 4.5

USCG Portal

Provides access to USCG communities to include Energy information both in CG46 and DLA Energy sub pages.

9783 Article rating: No rating

USCG SK School

The Storekeeper Home Page provides information to enhance rating professional development of knowledge and performance to ensure a continuous positive customer service environment.

8166 Article rating: 2.0



15181 Article rating: 4.5


Millions of times each year at hundreds of locations around the world, the USO lifts the spirits of America’s troops and their families.

8016 Article rating: No rating

Veteran Affairs

Responsible for administering programs of veterans’ benefits for veterans, their families, and survivors

8321 Article rating: No rating

Veterans Crisis Line

The caring professionals at the Veterans Crisis Line are specially trained and experienced in helping Veterans of all ages and circumstances. Many of the responders are Veterans themselves and understand what Veterans and their families and friends have been through and the challenges Veterans of all ages and service eras face.

7633 Article rating: No rating
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