Internet Guide for DoD Logistics (FREE Download) As logisticians in DoD, it is your job to provide the best information available to your customers. When it comes to information, there is no one system which provides everything. You need to know which system works best for the job and what system to use as a backup. This book will help you get started. 26503 Article rating: 3.3
PIEE DLA FedMall FedMall or FED MALL (formerly DOD EMALL) is a new and improved shopping experience, streamlining the system to make it more user friendly. It is also the system to use for getting information on DLA managed material and status of requisitions 89683 Article rating: 3.3
DFAS Transportation Global Edit Tables TGET The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) maintains the software/database support for the TGET of established transportation shipment LOAs and associated TACs for all Military Services and Defense Agencies. 35190 Article rating: 3.1
AMC Space-A travel Simply click on the link for "Space-A E-mail Sign-up" in the middle of this page. 10960 Article rating: 3.0
DLA ASSIST ASSIST-Quick Search provides direct access to Defense and Federal specifications and standards 14258 Article rating: 3.0
Acquisition Community Connection DAU DAU Continuous Learning Center is dedicated to the delivery of continuous learning opportunities supporting the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. 14776 Article rating: 3.0
GSA Advantage GSA Advantage! is the Federal Government's premier online shopping site. With millions of products and services, GSA Advantage! provides a one stop shopping source to meet all your procurement needs. 21730 Article rating: 3.0
JACKS The Joint Acquisition Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) Knowledge System (JACKS) is the web based Department of Defense (DoD) knowledge management system for information related to the acquisition and support of CBRN defense products. 12584 Article rating: 3.0
PS Magazine Online PS Magazine Online. In order to read PS Online you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or greater installed on your PC. 10055 Article rating: 3.0
DLA Federal and International Cataloging NSN Resources DLA Federal and International Cataloging NSN Resources 11482 Article rating: 3.0