20 year anniversary

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DLA Joint Lessons Learned Info System JLLIS

DLA Joint Lessons Learned Info System (JLLIS) functions to support the Director, DLA in the execution of his responsibilities and to help enable continuous process improvement by gathering observations and recommendations and making that data available across the enterprise.

21858 Article rating: 3.5


DLA Training web site for .mil restricted access.

12982 Article rating: No rating

DLA Self Help Resources

DLA's network of customer support personnel stands ready to assist customers, but the agency also offers tools to help its customers help themselves.

8403 Article rating: No rating


WebFLIS provides essential information about supply items including the National Stock Number, the item name, manufacturers and suppliers (including part numbers), through a web interface connected to FLIS data.

45378 Article rating: 4.0


DLA WEB Visual Logistics Information and Processing System. WEB VLIPS is a web based, access controlled query system that is useable from any Internet attached PC. It accesses the Logistics On-line Tracking System (LOTS), a DAASC relational database system, which portrays the life cycle of a logistics action.

46018 Article rating: 4.5

DMSMS Knowledge Sharing Portal

The DMSMS Knowledge Sharing Portal (DKSP) is focused on being a non-biased one-stop provider of DMSMS related information, resources and material to empower the Department of Defense (DoD) community, both Organic and Industrial, to implement best practices for monitoring, tracking, resolving, and performing analytical logistic and engineering analysis related to obsolescence impacts.

10786 Article rating: No rating
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